5 Reasons to Move Up to Prosecco Superiore DOCG

By |2021-06-07T15:59:42-07:00December 19th, 2019|Features - sponsored posts, Wine|

(Sponsored post) If you’re a fan of sparkling wine, you’ll want to check out Prosecco Superiore. Compared to ‘regular’ Prosecco, Prosecco Superiore DOCG is distinctly different. It appeals to a sophisticated drinker who’s looking for something more distinguished—and with a very definite sense of place. So, just what is it that sets Prosecco Superiore DOCG [...]

(There’s no Place Like) Rhône for the Holidays

By |2021-06-07T15:59:57-07:00December 13th, 2019|Features - sponsored posts, Latest Posts, Wine|

(Sponsored post) I’m always intrigued by what people consider to be ‘food friendly’ wines. Often their choice is guided by little more than personal preference or regular buying habits. All well and good. But, as a rule, there’s no better guide than to turn to the wines of a given country or region from which [...]

The ‘Last Judgment’ of BC: a Watershed Moment

By |2019-11-03T09:05:44-08:00November 2nd, 2019|Latest Posts, Wine|

I'm pretty sure that Judgment of BC 2019 was one of the largest tastings of its kind ever held in Canada. On October 29th 34 judges sat down at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. We concluded what’s been a worthy exercise for BC wines since the first ‘Judgment’ took place in 2015. It was an impressive [...]

A Thanksgiving Toast to BC Bubble

By |2019-10-25T09:34:17-07:00October 10th, 2019|Latest Posts, Wine|

BC Bubble is on a roll. There's nothing really surprising about that in itself. But what is curious is why it's taken so long. I've been thinking about (and tasting) a lot of  BC sparklers recently. Often as not with a toast to Harry McWatters—the godfather of  BC Bubble. The 21 bottle ‘sabre salute’ at Harry's [...]

BC Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards 2018 Announced

By |2019-10-04T14:05:16-07:00October 4th, 2019|Latest Posts, Wine|

This year’s British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Award winners were announced last night in Kelowna. The winners were unveiled at Okanagan Wine Festival’s signature tasting and reception at the Packing House. The event kicked off the 39th Annual Fall Okanagan Wine Festival. Wine of the year is: Deep Roots Syrah 2017 (Naramata Bench) $29.48—which edged [...]

Bordeaux Bounty: 2016 Rewards at Every Level

By |2021-01-23T15:28:57-08:00September 25th, 2019|Latest Posts, Wine|

Bordeaux’s biggest BC sales day of the year is fast approaching. Saturday, September 28th, marks BC Liquor Stores 2016 Bordeaux release. For serious wine collectors it’s beyond keenly anticipated. This vintage is one of the best in many years. And even better, there is, truly, something for everyone. Bordeaux boxes awaiting September 28th [...]

Harry McWatters, BC Wine Icon and Pioneer, Passes

By |2020-04-14T16:37:30-07:00July 24th, 2019|Latest Posts, Wine|

Harry McWatters, founder of Sumac Ridge Estate, SYL Ranch, Time Estate, Time Winery and Evolve Cellars died in his sleep on July 23rd, 2019. I’m profoundly saddened by his unexpected death as, I know, are the legions of his friends and others who knew him. Not only was Harry a force to be reckoned with, [...]

Howard Soon named to the Order of Canada

By |2019-06-29T10:07:04-07:00June 29th, 2019|Latest Posts, Wine|

Howard Soon, in Canadian wine terms, is ‘a living legend.’ Yes, I know. He’ll hate me for saying that. But it’s true. And this week it was confirmed by Howard being recognized with one of the highest awards in the country: the Order of Canada. That had me digging back to 2017, for a story [...]

BC Sweeps All Canadian Wine Championships. Again.

By |2024-04-28T10:57:04-07:00June 11th, 2019|Wine, Latest Posts|

The All Canadian Wine Championships are the country’s longest running national wine competition, since 1981. Just out are the results for 2019.  And, once more, BC has come away with a very strong showing. This year's awards were held adjacent to the historic Waring House and cozy Barley Room Pub, in Prince Edward County [...]

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