In our glass: past and present wine picks

Rosé on the Rise: Tastes of Provence Rekindle Memories, with a Modern Feel

By |2018-01-21T15:05:34-08:00June 4th, 2012|Hired Belly's Best Wines, Wine|

If wine is about place, chances are what’s in your glass (aside from—hopefully—tasting good) may also rekindle memories. My tasting last week with the folks from Vins de Provence did just that, as it transported me back several years to an unexpected four-day stopover in and around Aix-en-Provence, during which I was able [...]

Perfect Pairings: German Riesling (and more) Rules at Vancouver’s Bao Bei

By |2018-10-27T16:28:43-07:00May 2nd, 2012|Belly's Best Bites, Hired Belly's Best Wines, Wine|

We’re still stoked about last week’s German wine pairing dim sum, presented by the German Wine Institute with Master of Wine Jeannie Cho Lee, at Vancouver’s Bao Bei, Tanis Ling’s groundbreaking Chinese room. As we’re tight for time, here’s our North Shore News story (below) to bring you up to speed. In summary, [...]

Alsace Puts a Spring in Our Palate

By |2018-01-21T15:05:35-08:00April 14th, 2012|Hired Belly's Best Wines, Top Drops|

Up in the lofty surrounds of a marble clad tower high above downtown Vancouver,’s cutting edge IT department is still grappling with the challenge of how to present our ongoing Belly’s Best wine picks in a timely and easily accessible way. We’ll let you know when they finally get it figured out. (If they [...]

Wine Festival Vintners Brunch Food & Wine Smackdown: Lift Ascends

By |2018-01-21T15:05:36-08:00March 8th, 2012|Belly's Best Bites, Hired Belly's Best Wines, Wine|

Most people know the Wine Festival’s Vintner’s Brunch as the festival’s flagship food and wine event. It usually sells out within minutes of tix being available—even more so now that it’s held in the dazzling surrounds of the new Convention Centre West, with its sweeping ocean-mountain vista. Few realize that beyond [...]

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