White Spot Celebrates Grown in BC—Both on the Plate and in the Glass

By |2018-01-21T15:05:33-08:00July 15th, 2012|Belly's Best Bites|

Been a bit churlish, we have, of late towards BC’s beloved burger-monger and family resto chain White Spot—due mainly to the presence of its large chicken mascot on BC Ferries the other weekend. (White Spot supplies a portion of BC Ferries food requirements...) Somebody in the Twitterverse took offence when we suggested (in jest) the [...]

Wines of Argentina presents Dish ‘n Dazzle – May 16th

By |2019-06-22T17:13:36-07:00May 9th, 2012|Belly's Best Bites|

Taste superb food and wines, have some fun & support a worthy cause! As regular visitors may know, we're involved with the BC Hospitality Foundation. This charity provides last chance financial assistance for people in the hospitality and associated industries who are coping with hardship arising from a serious health-related condition. If this sounds a bit [...]

Perfect Pairings: German Riesling (and more) Rules at Vancouver’s Bao Bei

By |2018-10-27T16:28:43-07:00May 2nd, 2012|Belly's Best Bites, Hired Belly's Best Wines, Wine|

We’re still stoked about last week’s German wine pairing dim sum, presented by the German Wine Institute with Master of Wine Jeannie Cho Lee, at Vancouver’s Bao Bei, Tanis Ling’s groundbreaking Chinese room. As we’re tight for time, here’s our North Shore News story (below) to bring you up to speed. In summary, [...]

Gastown’s Bitter: Sweet Destination for a Perfect Pint

By |2019-02-10T11:04:02-08:00March 23rd, 2012|Beer, Belly's Best Bites, Belly's Budget Best, Sustainable|

Encounter with a perfect pint, Tim Pawsey photo If there’s one thing the Hired Belly finds hard to resist it’s a decent pint, particularly when it's properly poured, and at the right temperature.  I’m sure it’s one of the many very sound traits inherited from my dad—who I still sorely miss. Growing up, beer [...]

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