hired belly’s best restaurants and dining

Getting to the Meat of the Matter at the VanMag Awards

By |2018-06-27T16:44:40-07:00April 14th, 2011|Belly's Best Bites, Top Drops|

As far as we know, everyone seems to have survived yesterday's Vancouver Magazine Restaurant Awards relatively unscathed. It is, unquestionably, the industry insider’s event of the year.  And even though we’re usually tearing our hair out by the time judging deadline rolls around, being as objective as possible, we think this year’s results [...]

All-Star Alumni Mark 15 Years at Vancouver’s Diva at the Met

By |2024-12-12T08:27:47-08:00March 11th, 2011|Belly's Best Bites, Top Drops, Uncategorized|

One of Vancouver’s flagship restaurants, Diva at the Met celebrated its 15th anniversary last night with a gala dinner (benefitting Big Brothers) that featured an extraordinary array of culinary talent. The hotel business is by nature a mobile affair, where personnel—including those in food and beverage—move around frequently.  Hence it was [...]

What’s Red on the Outside and Green All Over? Vancouver’s Commune Café

By |2019-07-23T06:19:28-07:00March 4th, 2011|Belly's Best Bites, Belly's Budget Best, Sustainable, Uncategorized|

Vancouver’s been abuzz this past week with speculation concerning the imminent closure of what was supposed to be the long running extension of iconic lumiere and dbBistro,  on March 13th. It’s a sad development, considering the role that lumiere has played in Vancouver’s culinary ascendance. We won’t ruminate too much—except to say that the [...]

BC Pioneer John Bishop Marks 25 Years with Classics Redux Menu

By |2022-01-23T08:59:12-08:00January 6th, 2011|Belly's Best Bites, Belly's Budget Best, Ocean Wise, Top Drops|

It should have come as no surprise. But John Bishop's 25th anniversary celebrations were as understated as the man himself. Just before Christmas, on December 14th, 2010—25 years to the day when Bishop’s first opened—it was almost business as usual in the modest, west-side Vancouver room that still holds considerable sway in the [...]

Farewell, Sweet Abalone. Again.

By |2019-02-10T11:04:01-08:00December 11th, 2010|Belly's Best Bites, Ocean Wise|

Over the last few years, we’ve been moved by the compelling story of the gradual revival of West Coast Pinto Abalone, driven by the efforts of the Bamfield Community Huu ay aht Abalone Project. Funded in part by Environment Canada and Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre—this was an outreach pilot project aimed at reintroducing [...]

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